
“As you take some time today to reflect on your staff in appreciating your nurses and aides, please let them know how much we appreciate their dedication and extra kindness to the residents and families. They are such caring people, full of patience. I’m sure you’d have to look long and hard to find the kind of commitment they have. I’ve sent some donuts for them to enjoy. (nurse’s station) I want you to know how much respect I have for them and their work. Please thank them.”

“Merry Christmas to all the staff at Rhodes, When I attended the Christmas Party on Friday evening, I could not have been more delighted to see all the love you gave to the residents and their families. The hors’ duevres were so tasty and appreciated. Santa spending time with each one and the very useful fleece blankets were such thoughtful gifts. The beautiful decorations, entertainment and plates of the occasion made for a most enjoyable time. Your light truly did shine. With love and appreciation, JC.”

“Thanks to all of you for taking me to the L.C. Surgical Center, for picking me up after surgery and all the transitional care from Wednesday to Sunday. The food was good (if you do not believe me look at all the empty plates I left). The room was nice, the conversation was interesting (John, Jim, Paul, Gloria, Veronica and others). The transitional care I got was excellent and it got me to where I am today. I’m so thankful that I came to Rhodes Estates instead of going home after surgery that would have been a big mistake. Thanks GGG”

” Very special thanks for all your assistance and understanding over the past several months. Without the special efforts all at Rhodes Estates, the transition of my mother to your retirement facility would surely have been more difficult. We are delighted with her apartment and the special concern exhibited by all members of your staff. Each is truly compassionate and caring.
Without question I would strongly recommend your facility to and potential future resident and please do utilize this correspondence as a marketing source if you so desire. “

” Having mom at Rhodes Estates brought tremendous peace of mind to us because we felt confident that she received the care and assistance she required during that time. We realize that working with the residents can be difficult and challenging at times. Yet, the entire staff always delivered professional and courteous service. We have tremendous respect for the work you do, and each and every one of you are very special individuals-from the administrators to the office staff, from the nurses to the aides, from the kitchen staff to the maintenance crew. All of us must never forget that at some time, we will be them and we will hope someone will be there to help us. Don’t ever lose your compassion for the elderly.”

” My family and I want to express our gratitude to you and your entire staff for the care provided my father over the last four years. It was great comfort to us that he was able to return home to Rhodes Estates for his final days. With each month’s invoice came a note about identifying a Star Performer. I regret that I did not take the time to complete that form each month naming a different employee in the dementia unit. You should know that my family and I were very satisfied with the care during his entire stay but way beyond satisfied during his final days. I was in the building a lot and at different times of the day over the last days and the care and concern was consistent. I also did not realize just how many different employees interacted with my father. I can’t name all of the names but wanted you to know that every staff member was a Star Performer. So to all the Star Performers, we express a heartfelt thanks.”